I must be working off a lot of bad karma…

Town Meeting From Hell adjourned to next Monday, May 18th, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes through Tuesday night, as well. Tonight, we got through the town budget, and passed the article that authorizes the Selectmen to call a ballot vote for an override. That, of course, is the really big hump. We’ll have to work and get people to the polls on June 29th, because that didn’t happen last year and that’s why the $1M override for the school budget passed at Town Meeting, failed at the polls and left us in the hole we’re in now.

Next up are the two regional school budgets and they also are extremely contentious, so I doubt those votes will be quick. I can see the school budgets easily taking all of Monday night. The Town budget was Article 3 of 29 articles, two of which we’ve already taken out of order because they directly impacted budget items. So, there are 24 articles left to go.

And the bunny ate a piece out of my warrant, too. 🙁

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