Glaciers creep through Pepperell, MA!

I’m off to night four, count ’em, four of The Town Meeting From Hell. The library sent out an e-mail alert saying that the override request is going to be brought up first. Last night, we got through another couple of parts of the 12-part budget (which is Article 3 of 29 Articles–both school budgets and the override still to go). I expect that we’ll have at least one more night of Town Meeting after this one, but until we adjourn tonight, I have no idea when it will be.

You can tell I’m stressed. I bought electronics. I got a much higher capacity battery for my netbook on eBay, and I ordered a replacement for the 1GB memory module that failed in this computer. I was maxing out the memory and freezing up the computer working on the cover designs for Gideon Redoak, because they have to be 600ppi for printing. This module increases the RAM by 33%, as long as I don’t have any problems with it.

I’m tired of Town Meeting. I’m tired of stressing over this shit. I’m tired of being in crisis mode. *sigh*

I’m still cutting away on The Longer the Fall. I’ve also revised some sticky segues and scenes that were really bugging me. So far, two bit characters have been excised entirely. It’s all for the best, though!

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