I can breathe now…

Wow. Just…wow.

We’ve made history, folks. This is absolutely staggering. The United States of America has elected a black President. He swept Massachusetts–a state which I am ashamed to say does not have a great record for race relations, although we currently have a black Governor, Governor Patrick. (I voted for him, too.)

I’m not happy and proud–I’m awed, awed and humbled, that I could see something like this happen, and be a part of it. (Thank you to my 25 voters in Pennsylvania! 🙂 I voted for Obama in the primaries, too.) Like kradical says: I grew up with the Cold War and lived to see diplomatic relations opened with China, the Berlin Wall come down, and Soviet-U.S. collaboration in space. I’ve seen the world change in ways that conventional wisdom cynically predicted could never happen. But this is something special.

Tomorrow I will celebrate. If anyone would like to come by for hot spiced apple cider and rum, let me know!

McCain gave a very graceful concession speech. I did my workout to it. *g* I’m waiting now to hear Obama.

Oh, and as far as our ballot questions went, we didn’t repeal the state income tax, we’re banning greyhound racing, and we’re decriminalizing marijuana–and overwhelmingly approving a non-binding referendum in favor of allowing medical marijuana. Yeesh, what a bunch of liberals! *g*

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