Get out and Vote!

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If I’ve been quiet lately, it’s partly because I’ve been very busy, and partly because, aside from that, I’ve been more or less holding my breath. I still am. No matter what the polls and pundits say, I hardly even dare to hope. After two stolen elections and eight years of a catastrophic reign of evil, I don’t dare to hope that the Bad Guys won’t win again.

I’ve always been a responsible citizen (part of recent busy-ness was Fall Town Meeting here in Pepperell, and what a story that is!), but I am now an official volunteer for Obama, and that’s something new for me. I made 25 cold calls to Pennsylvania to get out the vote. If I had less on my plate, I’d do more.

I didn’t have to wait in any lines to vote today, aside from having to wait for one or two people when I checked in and out. It looked like there had already been a good turnout, at 12:30 p.m., from the number of names checked off on the voting lists. But we’ve got some hot local contests here and three doozy ballot questions (abolish the state income tax and decriminalize marijuana, on the same ballot!).

So now, I’m just…waiting. I need to make some catch-up LJ posts. This weekend is IBPA/IPNE Publishing University and I’m finishing up the Program Book for that. I just need to keep breathing…

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