
I did something today that I virtually never do, ever.

I overslept. For two hours!

I forgot to turn on the alarm when I went to bed–that happens every now and then. But usually I have so much trouble sleeping, and wake up so many times, that I’m awake around the time I should get up, and if the alarm doesn’t go off, I look at the clock. On those occasions that I’m asleep when the alarm should go off, I am usually pestered by hungry cats–there are four of them, after all, and they’re on a very consistent schedule.

But the last couple of days, I’ve just been trashed from cumulative sleep deprivation. Really, I’ve felt like shit, and I still did my workouts! 🙁 Add that to the oppressive weather, which is peaking out today (94 F or 34.4 C, dewpoint 71 F which is in aqua-lung territory, plus air quality warnings up), and I was dead to the world after dawn, which is typical. Once the sun comes up, all I want to do is sleep. 🙁

I have no idea where the cats were. They didn’t even show up right away when I did get up. I think they’ve been going down into the crawl space just to get away from the heat. Two of them wouldn’t eat all their food, either.

Maybe my subconscious was resisting the idea of spending huge amounts of money. Today (once I was finally up!) I went to the post office and mailed my entire estimated federal tax payment for 2008, and an application to R.R. Bowker for another block of ISBN numbers–100 of them, this time. It has become apparent that I will use them, with the multiple editions of every title that I’m planning.

I have the signed contract back for annef‘s three books, so it’s full speed ahead on those.

I have a hand-shake deal with another author and I need to get her contract out.

I’ve sold two more Kindle editions of Mortal Touch in July so far.

A happy reader posted another five-star review of Mortal Touch on the Amazon detail page (thank you!!!!). That’s six five-star reviews!

This week, I’ve already written another 1,584 words on The Longer the Fall and I’ll get more done today. I’m just about at the plot turn that is one of the things that hung me up on finishing this book–because I didn’t want to write it–the point Where Things Go Very Wrong. But I’ve gotten a Painful Conversation between Thomas and Diana done and it wasn’t as bad as I thought, so…onward ho!

I’ve been posting way too much in some of the vampiric community forums. This is how I know I’m putting off stuff I should be doing (cover designs! 🙁 ). If anyone wonders how someone who doesn’t watch TV procrastinates, I’ll confess: I post to forums and watch movie trailers online. *wry smile* Marketing guru John Kremer had a free call-in session yesterday, and I was going to call, and…I forgot!! At least the forum posts get me thinking and sometimes result in an article for my website or blogs.

Stay cool, everyone…

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