Strange days….

I actually had a rather productive day today, so I am catching up on three days of the Boston Globe. For some reason, there are several headlines that just seem rather…odd.

“US unprepared for an asteroid strike, scientists say”

Um, yes, and one would prepare, how? This seems to fall into the category of, “things not to worry about because you sure can’t do anything about them.” (It’s the 100th anniversary of the Tunguska blast, unexplained to this day, and you wouldn’t have wanted to be there, either)

“Pompeii is granted emergency status”

Man. And we thought they dragged their heels after Katrina.

“Wellesley busts another alleged brothel: Police say it’s second case in 7 months”

Wellesley is in Norfolk County. Norfolk County just made the Forbes list of the 20 Best Places to Live in the United States. I guess we just found out one of the less publicized reasons why, *heh*.

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday (or weekend, if you’re outside the U.S.). They were just regular work days for me, except for the fact that I couldn’t get the mail. The post office was closed yesterday and today I was blocked in by the Fourth of July parade. I wasn’t going to go to the fireworks tonight–I had so much work to do. But I got stuff done–and the fireworks are only about a half mile from my house. I always walk to them when I go. I started hearing the booms, and this town is so darned quiet, it sounded like the fireworks were right in my front yard.

So, very abruptly, I jumped up, put sandals on, left the house–didn’t even lock the door!–and walked the 2/10 of a mile to the top of Heald Street and over by the cemetery, where I found a perfect vantage point to watch the end of the fireworks. They were quite spectacular. I could see most of them through the trees as I walked up the road. Coming home, I saw a couple of fireflies and the three-day-old waxing crescent moon, all orange, setting in the west. It was a rather nice, if very short, holiday jaunt. 🙂

I just now got to reading today’s horoscope in the Globe and it says, “Spontaneity rules today, so don’t hesitate to take a last-minute trip.” *ROFL*

This splurt of random thoughts has been brought to you by the letter Q. 🙂

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