P.S. from yesterday…

I was so excited about getting my notice into Boston.com last night, I completely forgot to mention that I had two checks in the mail. I was paid for the church service, and I sold a copy of Mortal Touch. I also looked at BLUM’s latest bank statement and realized that Amazon direct-deposited my first royalties for the Kindle edition sales. It ended up being a rather lucrative day! They say money can’t buy happiness, but it sure does improve my mood. *wry smile*

I spent most of today finishing the Blogcritics review of Yarbro’s Saint-Germain Memoirs. Honestly…all those hours and the foolish review is only 1,135 words! I even have the subtitle and Amazon ASINs all ready. Now I’m chewing over interview questions, so I can send the interview off to Ms. Yarbro’s publicist.

I’m getting things together for the book signing tomorrow. I don’t have to leave too early, but I always angst about getting to an unfamiliar place and finding parking, especially in the city. Especially the parking part–anyone remember that 1960s cartoon, “The Jetsons” in which George Jetson’s car folded up into a briefcase when he got to work? Gods, I would kill for that! The fact that it’s a flying car is nothing compared to the idea of a car you never had to worry about parking! I’d cheerfully take the T in (even though I have extra books in the car)–but there is nowhere on the T line where parking is any easier. 🙁 Here’s hoping I sell at least one book and cover what it’s going to cost me to park!

The two huge flowering crabs by my house are in full bloom, a solid mass of pink. Now, we’re supposed to have wind and rain through tomorrow, and even more heavy rain on Monday and Tuesday. The flowers will be ruined. I guess that’s life…

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