We’re listed on Boston.com!

I submitted a listing about the New England Horror Writers book signing to the online edition of The Boston Globe, Boston.com, by the mechanism of adding a “comment” to the existing blog list of author events for this week. For several days, I didn’t see it, and I wasn’t sure if it would be approved or not. But it’s up!! We’re listed on Boston.com! Woo-HOO!!!!!

Comment 2 at the bottom

Today I went up to Staples and had two posters printed ($2.99 each), very simple, of the NEHW logo and website URL. I’m hoping we can hang one behind our table, and possibly one can go elsewhere, like the front window? I have never been to the store and I don’t know how they’ll manage this. I may give them a call tomorrow because I’m not even sure how they want the payment for the books we sell. If the bookstore ordered the books, it would be all set, but I’m bringing my own books with me.

I’ve gotten some candy to put on the table, and I’m taking some props (I have an extremely realistic cast resin human skull who likes to get out of the house now and then). I also have promotional material to give away. This should be very interesting. I’ve done a signing at a convention but this is my first store event, albeit a SF/F themed store, not a big general store like Borders. Speaking of which, when I was in Borders today picking up a sample copy of Cemetery Dance (to which I hope to submit some short stories), I asked again about author events and got some names and information. With all the excitement about the “Twilight” movie and forthcoming book, now is the time to get into stores with talks about vampires. I’m thinking of combining my article about “seven wrong things you know about vampire folklore” and the one about writing a vampire novel and doing something entertaining with that–maybe even with “slides” I run from my computer.

It looks like another listing of writers’ markets, Gila Queen, will be listing By Light Unseen Media as a market. She asked me for the submission guidelines, at least. I asked an author who queried me to send her full manuscript but she hasn’t done so yet, and I have a feeling she may have done simultaneous queries and gotten a juicier nibble. Oh, well…

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