Quick Wednesday update

I need to shut down distractions and get work done, so this update will be brief!

Krymsin Nocturnes shipped to the iBookstore last night!

Kindle sales were strong in February and March–by strong, I mean, six times the sales for January. I still have no idea what is driving those sales…except that they suddenly jumped right about the time that Apple announced the iPad and the Big Boys started fighting with Amazon over the whole “wholesale/agency pricing” conflict. The first few days of April, it looked like Kindle sales had suddenly dropped dead…then they picked up again, and have now caught up with the pace of sales for the past two months. Smashwords is going to be sending out quarterly royalties for all its third-party vendor sales soon, and we have no idea what these are because those sales currently don’t show up on our dashboard at Smashwords. I know I haven’t sold many books directly from Smashwords itself, but the free ebook promotional offer last month got quite a response, I was amazed. We’ll see…

It’s 88 degrees, breezy, dry, sunny…still feels like spring to me, though. And there’s now a “Red Flag” fire danger warning up. Gods forbid we get bored and complacent just because the weather is nice! *wry look*

Cool! My favorite flour company, King Arthur, is launching a gluten-free line of products. I bake with King Arthur flour exclusively. They’re an employee-owned and operated company based in Vermont. Gluten is not a problem for me personally (nothing is, I have the digestion of a goat and the metabolism of a lizard 🙁 ). But it’s been on my radar lately due to several of my ‘Net friends dealing with gluten-sensitivity and related health woes.

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