Pictures of the season

We didn’t get the forecast 3 to 7 inches, by a long shot, but it’s the first “sticky” snow of the season.

And…holiday lights, we haz dem! It’s been years since I put lights up outside my house. Ages and ages ago, I put lights on the bushes in front of the house a few times, but I’ve long since cut those bushes down. In more recent years, I tried putting lights on the insides of the windows a few times, in a kind of “curtain of lights” effect, but I was never really satisfied with the results. In summer, 2008, I cleared the front of the house out even more, but I never got around to putting lights up last year at all, inside or out. This year, rather impulsively (and faciliated by the very good quality, heavy-duty ladder I bought at Lowe’s a couple of seasons ago–I didn’t have that previously) I decided to put lights up around the windows and door. I did that Thanksgiving weekend, and here’s how it looks:

There are blue and white lights around the windows, but the blue lights are not very bright and the white ones completely overwhelm them. I also have blue light bulbs in the kitchen window light and side porch light. The wreath on the door has gold bows. It started out with blue balls, too, but they all fell off and I need to think of a better way to attach them. Blues, silver and gold are my color schemes.

I feel very festive and holiday-spirited! That will last until my next electric bill, *heh*. The lights go on after sunset attunement–and gods, I can hardly believe that I start sunset attunement now before 4:00 p.m.!!–and go off when I go to bed, which these days is around 4:00 a.m. or later.

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