Thoughts of the moment…

  • Nothing is more likely to keep you up too late than getting involved in writing something.
  • It takes staying up too late to make you aware of how long it takes you to get through your bedtime routines and actually get to bed.
  • Especially when you decide to make an LJ post about how long it’s taking you.
  • It’s taken me all week to catch up and get back to something like a “normal” routine after the four-week run-up to Readercon, which also included my birthday, Father’s Day, the Solstice and a big holiday weekend.
  • I skipped workouts for three days in a row and did two workouts today. On Wednesday I spent two hours mowing the lawns and doing yard work, then had a brisk, pleasant, mostly uphill twilight walk home from the mechanics after I dropped off my car. I could count those against two workouts but not three, hence today’s double shift. That’s enough of that, though!
  • I feel very good that I got my car serviced and tuned up before the drive to Montreal, and that I finally got the frellin’ lawns mowed.
  • The black raspberries that grow wild in my back yard are bearing so heavily, I’m getting my full serving of fresh fruit for supper from them almost every day. Thanks, Mother Gaia.
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