My schedule for Anticipation in Montréal next month

This is my schedule for Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, August 6-10 in Montréal.

  • Friday 10:00 a.m., Room P-521A: Group Reading (90 min.)
    Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
    readers: Camille Alexa, Elissa Malcohn, Inanna Arthen, Kathryn Sullivan, Phoebe Wray, Sylvia Kelso, Trish Wooldridge
  • Friday 7:00 p.m., Room P-511BE: Panel (Moderating) (60 min.)
    What’s the Score?
    Description: If music be the food of SF movies, play on. From Bernard Herrmann to John Williams to Danny Elfman, who are the great composers of SF movies and why should we care? (We’ll have music clips to illustrate!)
    with Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, Chris Becker, Nir Yaniv
  • Friday 9:00 p.m., Room P-513B: Panel (60 min.)
    Vampire Rules–and How to Recognize Them Without a Mirror
    Description: Are there vampire rules that writers MUST follow? Some experts and enthusiasts discuss vampires, including eastern vs western vampires.
    with Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Karen Dales, Victoria Janssen (mod.)
  • Saturday 9:00 p.m., Room P-518A: Panel (60 min.)
    Love Bites
    Description: More than just your normal love-bite: how did paranormal romance enter the mainstream?
    with Alaya Dawn Johnson, Ellen Denham, Margaret Ronald (mod.), Pierce Watters of Planet Stories
  • Sunday 12:30 p.m., Room P-511CF: Panel (Moderating) (90 min.)
    Harry Potter: The Movie
    Description: How did “The Half Blood Prince” stack up to the book? To the other movies? Does knowing how the book series ends change our anticipation for the last two films (“Deathly Hallows” will be two movies)? Are there actually fans of the movie series who haven’t read the books?
    with Adrienne Martini, Mike Willmoth, Shira Daemon, Toni Lay, Kathy Sands
  • Sunday 10:00 p.m., Delta Suite 2802: PARTY! (indefinite length)
    By Light Unseen Media/Broad Universe/A Novel Friend/Gideon Redoak Launch Party
    Co-hosted by Inanna Arthen, Trisha J. Wooldridge, Christy Tohara and Broad Universe. We’ll start when the Hugo Awards are done, which may be earlier or later than 10:00.

I’ll post changes or updates to this schedule when and if they come in. I asked for a reading time and did not get assigned one. I asked again, and so far have not had a response, but I’m still hoping. If you’re going to Anticipation, let me know so we can get together up there! It will be a big convention and you can’t have too many friends in a crowd.

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