
It’s always something!

Giles knocked an entire glass of tea right onto my laptop keyboard. Ker-splash–tea everywhere. Most of it did not hit the computer, I know, because I was mopping it off the table and floor. But the computer keyboard got a good solid dunking.

I instantly jumped to my feet and flipped the computer over. Amazingly enough, it seemed to be okay. But when I mopped it off externally, two of the rows of keys were combining signals. I shut the computer down, removed the battery, removed the keyboard, gently dried anything that was visibly wet with tea and set everything to air-dry in the kitchen. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there won’t be any damage–I’ve gotten liquid in keyboards before and dried them out okay. The keyboard has a tight plastic backing and sits on a metal sheet, and it doesn’t appear that any liquid got further than the metal–and very little got under the keyboard.

Stupid cat. 🙁

I’m glad that I’m addicted to plain cold black tea and not soda or coffee with sugar or anything else that would be a hell of a lot harder to mop up. I don’t want to replace the stupid keyboard again!

I’m typing this on the netbook, but I didn’t get a chance to back up today’s work, and I was in the middle of a book review. Arrrrgggh.

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