Quick check-in on laptop and dial-up

I’m still without power, and it’s much colder today. 🙁

But mostly, I’m worried about my dad. He absolutely won’t budge from his house, and all he has is the fireplace. He tried to get his generator going, and apparently it has a “clogged carbeurator.” I’m trying to get him to come down here–he can get out, and he can bring his cat–but he hates, hates, hates leaving his house. He finally got testy and told me I was worrying too much, and every time I call him he has to go into a cold room to answer the phone. He has really nice neighbors who are his good friends but I know he hates to impose. Gods.

Meanwhile, -I- am still trapped in my house, aside from the fact that I can walk down to the local stores and things. But I can’t go anywhere in my car until my power lines are fixed.

Oops, battery’s dying, gotta go!

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