
It…is…hot. 96 degrees! (35.5 C for my international readers!)

This is the third day of temperatures in the mid-90s, with tomorrow forecast to be the hottest of all. The last two of those days, I was out doing yard work in the late afternoon–mowing the lawns, weeding, even getting a bit done with the chain saw. My mower and chain saw are both electric. The yard desperately needed to be done. The lawn was just about past the point of mowing, because of all the rain we’d had. But there is a section near the house that I planned to do in stages, it was so high, and I just can’t face going out and working more on it today. I should do my grocery shopping, and I don’t even want to get in my car and drive a half-mile to the local grocery store. I don’t want to leave the house! It’s that hot. I don’t have air conditioning, but I do have fans–and all I want to do is sit in front of them! Last night I got almost no sleep at all, and I am beyond tired. At least I feel much better about the yards! I’m not looking out the windows and getting all fidgety. It’s supposed to be cooler on Wednesday. The yards can wait until then.

Of course, I have work to do! It’s kind of hard to buckle down to it when I’m too hot and tired to even think. I did get the laundry done. It was probably dry five minutes after I hung it out, but I’ll go get it later…unless it looks like thunderstorming. And it’s cycling day today. I’ll be doing my cycling late. Very late.

The animals are miserable. I don’t have cats and a rabbit, I have five scatter rugs.

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