Spam header to beat all…

I swore I wasn’t going to post any more spam headings, but this one stopped me in my tracks this morning–and not because it was one of those weird random generator ones. The actual message left me breathless! Exact quote of actual header:

“When you reach the growth size that you want to achieve, you no longer need to take MegaDik”


The really sad thing is that people actually buy these products. There are men who actually believe they might, possibly, work! Guys: save your money. Just tie a nice heavy rock to the end of your penis, and let it hang there, 24/7! I guarantee, that will work! (I can’t speak for the effect on long-term functionality, but your penis will be longer–at least a little, if you leave the rock on long enough.) It will certainly be more effective than any of these snake-oil scams!


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