Another meme

I have absolutely no idea why I have this compulsion to compare myself to everyone else with silly memes. I suspect it has far less to do with insecurity than it does with attempts to procrastinate on stuff I really ought to be doing, *heh*.

So, vyrdolak1998, your LiveJournal reveals…

You are… 4% unique
(blame, for example, your interest in small-scale technology)
and 12% herdlike
(partly because you, like everyone else, enjoy writing).
When it comes to friends you are normal. In terms of the way you relate to people, you are keen to please.

Your writing style (based on a recent public entry) is conventional.

Your overall weirdness is: 28

(The average level of weirdness is: 27.
You are weirder than 63% of other LJers.)

Find out what your weirdness level is!

Gakked from dracschick, btw.

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