Revealed for the public enemy I am!

The truth is out! Thanks to this quiz gakked from lourdesmont, I’m exposed for the unAmerican dissident that I am! Here’s my score (with my commentary included in red):

Your ‘Do You Want the Terrorists to Win’ Score: 94%

You are a terrorist-loving Well, I love “V for Vendetta”, Bush-bashing you betcha!, “blame America first” I hold America responsible for what she does-crowd traitor Ooh,a traitor! Just like the Founding Fathers!. You are in league with evil-doers who hate our freedoms I hate the freedoms Bush Co. has arrogated to himself, like being free to ignore laws passed by Congress. By all counts you are a liberal I don’t like labels, but I prefer “radical progressive,” if any, and as such cleary even worse, I’m an ivory-tower intellectual who can actually spell “clearly” desire the terrorists to succeed and impose their harsh theocratic restrictions You mean like, obeying the Constitution? on us all. You are fit to be hung for treason! Just like Nathan Hale! Luckily George Bush is tapping your internet connection and is now aware of your thought-crime. Have a nice day…. in Guantanamo! Oh, Bush can read?

Do You Want the Terrorists to Win?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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