Notices have been sent out this week (Nov. 12-14) to Winchendon residents and businesses announcing the new supplier of the Community’s Choice Power Supply Program. Dynegy Energy Services has been selected and in December will provide electric power supply for all consumers participating in Winchendon’s Program.
If you are a current participant, you will not notice any change in your electricity service. You will see Dynegy printed under the “Supply Services” section of your monthly bill beginning after the first read of your December bill.
If you are a basic National Grid service consumer who has been mailed a notification, you do not need to take any action to participate. You will be automatically enrolled.
If you do not wish to participate, you may OPT-OUT by returning the postage free OPT-OUT card you received in the mail or at, click the OPT-OUT button or call Dynegy at 866-220-5696.
If you wish to join the program, you may OPT-IN at OR call Dynegy at 866-220-5696.
The following links have been provided for information on the program:
1. For complete information, visit
2. Winchendon Notice to Consumers Nov. 12. 2019 (PDF)
Lincoln Avenue Extension Property Cleanup to be Closed for the Winter
Contractors for the EPA will be shutting down the cleanup on two Lincoln Avenue properties on November 22nd for the winter. The contractor needs wet down the building materials as the building is demolished and the water has begun to freeze. Work will begin again in the spring of 2020. Many thanks to the EPA and Mass. Department of Environmental Protection for your efforts and funding.
Northern Heights Drive homeowner returns to Planning Board seeking relief from sun glare from solar installation
by Inanna Arthen
In a continuance of the October 8 hearing (see the October 10-17 edition of the Winchendon Courier), resident Anthony Kurylo appeared before the Planning Board with John Perry of Dynamic Energy to discuss Mr. Kurylo's concerns about sun glare from the Lincoln Avenue Solar Project.
Mr. Kurylo stated that the sun glare is now entirely gone, but he anticipates that it will return again in the spring. He described the glare, at its peak, as being like "multiples of the sun," and "100,000 lumens or more," shining directly into his windows. Because the installation is downhill from his home, it would take a "fifty-foot fence" to block the glare, which he asserted shines through 600 feet of woods. He suggested that Dynamic Energy cover the panels with tarps or in some other way mitigate the glare.
Mr. Perry said that the installation can't be moved or changed as it is built on steel pillars. He stated that he visited Mr. Kurylo's property, along with the Planning Board which did a site walk, and he "didn't find it the extreme described."
Planning Agent Alison Manugian said that she wasn't sure the Planning Board has any jurisdiction over this situation any longer.
Mr. Kurylo asked who he should go to--is there a mechanism for addressing something that happens after the installation is all finished, approved and in operation? He stated that the glare was "100% in violation of the spirit of the zoning bylaws," because it was affecting the value of his property and his ability to enjoy it. He noted that the zoning bylaws have regulations for glare at night, but these concern illumination from commercial areas. He asked what would happen if a solar array created hazardous sun glare for drivers on a road.
The Planning Board did not have any solutions for Mr. Kurylo. They agreed that when the glare returns in the spring, the situation can be re-examined, since the Planning Board and Dynamic Energy may not have observed the glare at its peak.
Lower Tax Rate for Winchendon homeowners in FY20
The Massachusetts Department of Revenue has set the residential tax rate for fiscal year 2020 at $16.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. This is a reduction of 2.57 percent from the FY19 tax rate. To calculate your FY20 total tax bill, multiply the assessed value of your home by the tax rate and divide by 1000. For example:
Assessed Value: $200,000
Multiply 200,000 x $16.28 = 3,256,000
Divide 3,256,000 / 1000 = Tax bill for FY20: $3,256.
To find out what your property's FY20 assessment is, see this full list of Winchendon's property assessments for FY19 and FY20 on the town website: FY20 Property Assessments (PDF). You'll need to zoom in since it fits the whole town onto 14 pages. It's alphabetical by the recorded property owner's name.
Winchendon has one of the lowest tax rates in north central Massachusetts. For a complete comparison, see this list of FY19 tax rates state-wide.
Scouts BSA Troop 193 For Boys and Girls
In Scouts BSA Troop 193, there’s something for everyone! On November 13, 2019, Winchendon welcomed girls into the Boy Scouts of America as Scouts BSA Troop 193 for Girls joined Troop 193 for Boys at the American Legion, Wednesday evening to begin their Trail to Eagle.
Four girls have pioneered the new Troop and are excited to do everything the boys have been able to do for over a century. Lead by Scoutmaster Jenna Susman and Assistant Scoutmaster Alicia Trickett, the Troop is eager to blaze the trail for all girls in Winchendon. Troop 193 plans on going on many adventures, camping out each month, hiking the mountains in the area, visiting historic places and are planning on going whitewater rafting in the spring. Part of Scouts BSA is offering community service, so be on the lookout for the girls throughout town making the community better.
The girls had their first campout last weekend where they cooked over an open fire, hiked Mt. Watatic, braved the cold temperatures and stated down their Trail to Eagle Scout. When asked about their first campout, all of them loved it and wanted to start the Camping and Hiking Merit badges.
The girls and boys in Troop 193 meet every Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at the American Legion, 295 School Street, Winchendon in the downstairs hall.
For more information on Scouts BSA Troop 193 for boys and girls, contact Scoutmaster Andy Spivey at or Scoutmaster Jenna Susman at
Weekly Dates and Times for the Units
Cub Scout Pack 193 (Boys and Girls K-5)
Thursdays, 6:30 PM (Last Thursday of the month at the American Legion)
Toy Town Elementary School, 175 Grove Street, Winchendon, MA
Cub Scouting is a family program for all youth in grades K-5.
For more information, visit or contact us at
Scouts BSA Troop 193 for Boys and Girls
Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
American Legion Post 193, 295 School Street, Winchendon, MA
Scouts BSA Troop 193 offers something for everyone! We welcome all boys and girls ages 11-17 to come check us out.
For more information, email for boys and for girls
Toy Town FYIs
Tuesday, October 15: The annual draw-down of Lake Monomomac will begin and will continue until it reaches the new winter draw down level of 3 feet on or around December 1st. The drop in the water level during the winter months allows property owners to do maintenance to their waterfront, including docks, walls, and beaches. It also helps with the weed control.
Be aware that the lower level increases the danger of hitting submerged rocks, trees or other hidden obstacles. Extreme caution should be taken by boat owners if you are planning to get in some late fall boating or fishing.
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