Another humbling reminder that I’m an ignorant American…

You end up in the darndest places following Internet links.

I followed a link from my Yahoo newsfeed about actor Gerard Butler and found myself reading, a PR site for the Republic of Moldolva. It’s a country between Romania and the Ukraine, the second-smallest country from the former Soviet Union, with a rich cultural history and diverse population (the website is in English, Russian, or Romanian).

I had never heard of it before.

They want you to visit, too. Lots of tourist information. You can get a round trip ticket for only $545!

Hey, I’d love to go. I bet I could pick up some fascinating traditional vampire folklore there!

You learn new things every day, but usually it’s not that you’ve failed to notice a whole entire country. 🙁

Oh, by the way, it’s raining in Bucharest today.

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