How awful, it’s a…?????

Whew. There has been some huge thing happening right in back of my house for most of the afternoon…and I don’t have the slightest idea what it is. The street behind mine is a numbered state road and fairly well-trafficked. Around noon, I heard sirens. By 1:00 p.m., I heard sounds of activity from the street in back: voices, large idling engines, and something like a huge saw. (Jaws of Life? Were they cutting through a wall to get into a building?) I got curious enough to go out and walk to my back property line, but despite trying several spots, with the distance, buildings and foliage I couldn’t make out what the heck was happening. All I could see was emergency vehicles lining the road, a few people–I saw a stretcher go back and forth. I didn’t want to walk through my neighbors’ yards just to rubber-neck.

This went on and on, and I needed to get two of the cats to the veterinarian for routine check-ups and shots at 2:00 p.m.. When I left, with wailing cats in the car, the top of the street behind me was blocked off and a police officer was directing traffic–and there was a fire truck there, from Hollis, New Hampshire! When I came home with the cats about forty minutes later, I had to pull over in the rotary to let an ambulance go by, sirens screaming–from Chelmsford, Mass!

Whatever this was, our people called in assistance from multiple surrounding towns–but if it was a fire, I didn’t see or smell smoke. If it was an accident, I didn’t hear anything (on this quiet, peaceful day with all my windows open–I once heard an actual accident at about that same spot, late one night, and it was very noticeable). If it was a gas leak, chemical spill or whatever, no one has come to my door to advise me of a risk. There are still emergency vehicles there now, and I can’t perceive any clues as to what the emergency is.

I hate that. *grump* I hate to pester the dispatcher by calling the police information line just to ask what’s going on.

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