Dodging Harry Spoilers…

I’m not even going to be able to read my own lj flist for at least a week! 🙁 Or for that matter, Page 2 of my “My Yahoo” page–the news headlines are giving too much away!

It’s probably completely quixotic of me to imagine that I can duck spoilers for a whole week, but I’m trying hard. At least I’m staying away from a few online procrastination excuses for a while…which I need to do. Reading everybody’s flists is just too tempting a method of frittering away time when I’m supposed to be doing something more productive. I’ll catch up with all you fascinating folks in a week or two. 🙂

My poison ivy has finally turned the corner, but yuck. I am so gross. And I more or less haven’t slept for the past three nights because I’m so uncomfortable. It doesn’t itch so much as hurt–a lot. I am beyond wiped. Cerridwen is never going outside again, ever! This is the second time I’ve gotten poison ivy from her…not to mention all the ticks she’s brought in (we won’t go there…)!

My copy of …Deathly Hallows has been shipped, at least. The last batch I ordered from arrived in about one week–I’m not sure exactly because I didn’t go to the post office every day. This week, I’ll be going every day!

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