The view from the bookstore owner’s perspective…

I’m (finally!!) doing an update of my online bookstore, which is INCREDIBLY BORING (checking about 1,000 separate links, checking each page for “customers who bought this also bought…” and other Amazon connected lists, checking the author’s name to see what else he/she might have in print. This is after running the huge filter search that I deliberately set wide and then have to painstakingly page through. And then there’s the books with little or no description, which causes me to resoundingly curse out the author, and sends me looking up the publisher’s website to see if there’s a description there…and after all that, I know there’s vampire books I’m missing!).

Anyway, this is today’s nomination for silliest plot description (title and author withheld):

“In the far distant future, during a war that no one really wanted, two starfighter pilots are stranded on a deserted jungle planet. Earthforce’s Meagan Flena turns out to be Gaian Kavath Terrell’s perfect match sexually, but neither of them wants to commit to a relationship. As they struggle for survival, though, they soon realize that what they have in common is more important that what keeps them apart. Rating: Contains graphic sexual content, adult language, and violence.”

They’re stranded alone on a distant jungle planet and they don’t want to commit to a relationship???? This is their biggest issue?

Silly cover design, too (and just plain bad, you can barely read the title). Evidently they’re stranded on a jungle planet wearing Fruit of the Loom briefs. (But I can relate, it’s over 90 here for the second day in a row, and I answered the door for the Verizon guy in my sports bra. And he was really cute, too.)

And I’m only up to the M’s in fiction! 🙁

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