Borderline, schmorderline…

Here’s my riff (not joking) on the borderline quiz. I actually test out rather high on a different personality disorder, but here’s my real answers to the questions for this one:

You are afraid of being abandoned.
Not in the slightest. I know I’ll be abandoned. I expect it. I’m totally resigned to it. Don’t “fear” it at all!
When you get crazy impulses, you indulge them – even if they are dangerous.
I never do them, unless bringing home stray kitties is “crazy.” But I do write about them. Isn’t that a form of “indulgence?”
When you get angry, you really express it. You have an extreme temper.
Not any more.
Your relationships are very unstable, with lots of ups and downs.
What relationships?? I don’t even have a casual friend living nearby to go see a movie with.
When you reflect back on your childhood, you remember it as very traumatic and abusive.
This one is true. My childhood was horrible. I wouldn’t willingly relive one single moment of it. I think about it as little as possible. On the other hand, I’m actively grateful for the fact that each day is the best day I’ve ever had in my life so far. Is that Borderline?
You feel empty inside.
My “insides” (mentally, emotionally, imaginatively, spiritually) are so full there’s not enough hours in the day.
You are scared to truly trust people.
Not scared, just cautious. Anyone who’s worked for ten years in a battered women’s shelter tends to be. I’ve been burned pretty badly, but I consider myself to be realistic about people and their failings, no more.
You feel like you don’t truly know yourself.
Definitely NOT true. I just wish there were a few other people on earth who wanted to know me well, too. Total self-acceptance has a price, other people want you to agree with their perceptions of you.
You have been prone to addictions, self mutilation, or eating disorders.
Your mood changes quickly. It’s hard to predict what your emotions will be like.
Not any more. People who complained in the past that I was “unpredictable” weren’t paying attention. My colleagues at the shelter used to say I was the most grounded, calm, professional person on the staff. Unfortunately, that was true!

No, I wouldn’t say this test has much clinical validity as a diagnostic tool!

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